What You Should Know Before Buying Cheap Log Cabin Kits

What You Should Know Before Buying Cheap Log Cabin Kits


Which package is cheapest?

Ultimately, the only cost that actually matters; if you want to spend as little as possible on your log cabin kit is the overall or the ‘turn -key’ cost.

For the shell or dry-in package to be worth your while, and cheaper than buying a turn-key package, you need to be sure that you can source materials cheaper than the difference of the turn-key pack.

You should make a list of all the different components offered in the turn-key pack and the shell only pack, and decide how much each of the individual components will cost you.

Only when you have done this thorough analysis will you be able to find out which one is the most cost-effective for you.

As a golden ratio, you should allow two times the cost of your kit for the remaining costs.

For example if your shell kit costs $40,000, allow an extra $80,000 to finish the kit.

It’s YOUR job to make sure that everything is included in the price so you can keep it as low as possible.

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