What You Should Know Before Buying Cheap Log Cabin Kits

What You Should Know Before Buying Cheap Log Cabin Kits


Finding the cheapest log cabin kit

What should you know before buying a cheap log cabin kit?

You get what you pay for.

So, how can you get the most bang for your buck when you purchase your log cabin kit?

One of the first things to consider is what exactly comes with your kit.

You can’t start comparing kit costs if they are not like for like.

Kits typically come in three different completion stages:

1.Shell Only(Logs Package/ Log Wall System)

2.Dry-In Package(Shell Only and Exterior Finish)

3.Turn Key Package(Shell Only, Dry-In Package and Fixtures and Fittings)

The completion stage you select will be based on the price you want to pay and the amount of work you want to put in yourself.

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