This Pain Map Could Help Reveal Exactly Why Your Stomach is Hurting
Hepatitis (Upper Right Abdomen)
Hepatitis, or swelling of the liver, is the most common liver disease caused by one of five hepatitis viruses or as a side effect of alcoholism. The disease often causes abdominal pain under the right side of the ribcage. Other symptoms of hepatitis are jaundice (yellow skin) and lack of appetite. Tucked just above the stomach and below the rib on our right side is the liver, our body’s detox and filtration system.
It removes harmful substances, absorbs nutrients from food, keeps the blood healthy, and balances hormone levels. So, as you can imagine, any disease that affects liver function can impact the entire body. Some types of hepatitis resolve on their own, while others require anti-viral treatments or lifestyle changes. In severe cases, hepatitis may require a liver transplant. Untreated hepatitis can lead to infection, severe liver disease, or death.