This Pain Map Could Help Reveal Exactly Why Your Stomach is Hurting

This Pain Map Could Help Reveal Exactly Why Your Stomach is Hurting


Stomach aches usually just mean that you’ve had a little too much to eat. But sometimes, they can be a sign of other health issues. If you go to a doctor with abdominal pain, the very first question you will be asked is, “Where does it hurt?” That’s because the location of your stomach pain can give you clues about what’s wrong.

Your abdomen contains not just your stomach but also your large and small intestines, kidney, liver, spleen, gallbladder, and bladder as well as internal reproductive organs like the uterus. Only a medical professional can diagnose the health conditions that could be causing abdominal pain. But a stomach pain map can help you figure out what might be making your stomach hurt so you can fix it. The map splits the abdomen into a grid with three rows (upper: just below the chest, lower: just above the hip bone, and center) and three columns (right, middle, and left).

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