Terrible Home & Life Habits That Are Harming The Wildlife Around You
4.Excessive Water Usage
There’s a reason they say to keep your showers short and never let the water run! Not only can it rack up your water bill, but the overuse of water resources can lead to habitat destruction and negatively impact aquatic ecosystems. One solution to this is to fix your house to help conserve water. Do this by fixing leaks, using drought-resistant plants, and practicing water-efficient habits.
Water is also much scarcer than we think it is. Even though our planet is 71% water, it doesn’t mean it’s readily available for us to use at our disposal. Most of the water on this planet is unusable. Not only does water treatment use a lot of energy, thus burning fossil fuels that harm our environment, but water feeds humans and animal and plant wildlife. Your water impacts your local environment, no matter where you are in the world. It’ll take every single household to do their part, which is why changing some terrible home habits now is so detrimental to the health of our planet (Drop Connect).