Movie Quiz: Test Your Film IQ with Iconic Scenes!
QUESTION 11-Which Martin Scorsese film features Robert De Niro as the loner Vietnam veteran?
Correct Incorrect "Taxi Driver" is a 1976 psychological thriller directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Robert De Niro. The movie tells the story of Travis Bickle, a lonely and mentally unstable Vietnam veteran who works as a taxi driver in New York City. De Niro's character becomes increasingly obsessed with cleaning up the city's seedy underbelly and saving a young prostitute, played by Jodie Foster.The film is renowned for its intense and gritty portrayal of urban decay and the seething rage of its protagonist. One of the most memorable scenes in the movie is when De Niro's character, Travis, delivers the iconic line "You talkin' to me?" during a practice monologue in front of a mirror, which was actually an improvised line that became one of the most quoted movie lines of all time.