Only Those from the Baby Boomer Generation Can Succeed in this Era Quiz

Only Those from the Baby Boomer Generation Can Succeed in this Era Quiz


What is the name?

Correct Incorrect Cootie - Cooties (also called Creepy Critters in Australia) is a playful imaginary childhood ailment. According to the whimsical lore, the invisible pathogen spreads contagiously when boys touch girls. Yet, beyond this amusing fictional concept, some individuals from the boomer generation might recall a tangible toy bearing the same name. What was it?The Game of Cootie comprised physical plastic components, all contained within a box. These pieces enabled children to construct their own unique bug creations – and build they certainly did! This charming game made its debut in 1949, but it's only the genuine boomers who truly understand its mechanics!

What is the name?

  • Cootie
  • Gucci 
  • Battleship
  • Bug's Life
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