Only Those from the Baby Boomer Generation Can Succeed in this Era Quiz

Only Those from the Baby Boomer Generation Can Succeed in this Era Quiz


Name this item.

Correct Incorrect 45 RPM Record Adapter - Records are experiencing a comeback, likely amusing the boomers who originally popularized them. The 45 RPM singles defined music, predating even tapes. Crafted for jukebox play, the most cherished memories came with a vibrant musical backdrop.In 1987, the debut of the cassette single marked the decline of the 45 as a medium for singles, ceasing production by 1990. Presently, record labels are reintroducing records as novelties and many original copies have turned into coveted collectibles.

Name this item.

  • Vinyl Spinner
  • 45 RPM Record Adapter
  • Disco Clubbing 
  • Cassette 
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