Only Those from the Baby Boomer Generation Can Succeed in this Era Quiz

Only Those from the Baby Boomer Generation Can Succeed in this Era Quiz


Identify this beloved choice of Baby Boomers.

Correct Incorrect Coatdress - The coatdress has made appearances in various fashion spreads, with significant trends in the 1910s, 1960s, and 1980s. It became a staple for Princess Diana and is now seen in the Royals. But what was the original concept behind this garment?According to Vogue magazine, this coat was designed as the perfect cover for dresses, using spring or fall fabrics. While women today often wear pants, it is sometimes recommended for a professional office look. However, there is no denying the immense popularity of the original trend.

Identify this beloved choice of Baby Boomers.

  • Smoking jacket
  • Coatdress
  • Corded TV remote
  • Typewriter eraser
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