Five Basic Things You Need to Know About Raising Pet Parrots

Parrots have become very popular as pets due to their cuteness, colorful feathers and unique ability to imitate human voices, but parrots breeding is not easy. If you are parrots-raising novices, here are five tips for you.
1. Feed scientifically

For baby parrots, you should feed liquid food more than 5 times a day with a little amount each time, and feed the next meal after confirming that the previous food have been digested. As the parrot grows older, you should gradually reduce the feeding frequencies until its adulthood (2 meals a day). The staple food should be changed to grains, such as oats, corn and wheat. A variety of nutritional elements should be guaranteed. You can add small amount of egg yolks, cuttlefish bones, as well as chopped fruits, carrots and cabbage. Please note that things like apple core, chocolate, alcohol, etc. are fatal to parrots.
2. Keep a clean living environment

The leftover food and water need to be replaced everyday, fruits and vegetables should be washed before you feed your parrots. The parrot's feeder, cage, toys and any household items your parrot touched need to be cleaned often. Also, the indoor area where your parrot passes should be covered with newspapers, plastic bags or cloth to avoid feathers and droppings.
3. Ensure sufficient space and physical training

The birdcage should be spacious enough for your parrot to stretch and flap its wings, and a resting bar is indispensable. We all know it's birds' instincts to fly, so it's important for your parrot to go out of its birdcage every day. Chronic lack of exercise may cause physical and mental health problems of your pet.
4. Interact with love and patience

Despite of different personality, most parrots have mild temperament and have deep dependence to their owners and companions. Therefore, one of the essential facts for raising parrots is interaction. The parrot need your company and care, you can gently caress its feathers or play chewing toys with it. and talk with them (even if they can't answer you right away). Don't beat, intimidate or lock it up in a strange place when your parrot did something wrong. If you don't have time to accompany the parrot, it's highly suggested to keep two in pairs so they will not feel lonely.
5. Be ware of the potential threats

For your parrot's safety, there are many things you need to pay attention to. For example, birdcages made from bamboo or wood are not recommended since the parrots can easily destructible, so parrots need to be raised in metal cages. What's more, kitchen knives, rotating fans, other pets or children should be noticed or put away before you open the birdcage. Parrots are tropical birds so it is necessary to keep the room temperature at 60℉-82℉. Ensure good ventilation and cover or move the birdcage to dark at bedtime. Also, please keep an eye on human hairs in your room in case they wind around and injure your parrots' legs.
Raising parrots requires patience and attention, if you have made the decision, you need to learn much more things besides the above five points. According to researches, parrots can live longer than cats and dogs, take good care of your parrots so they stay with you as long as possible.