Keep Your Yard Clean & Tidy with These Simple Tips

Keeping your yard clean is a challenge. It’s not just the natural dirtiness of grass and soil, but also the variety of things you have to keep tidy: lawn care equipment, pet waste stations, flowerbeds, trees, fencing and gardens. Keeping your yard looking neat and tidy can be tedious. Fortunately, there are some great tips to ensure that your yard stays clean. Keep reading for more information on how to keep your yard tidy.
1. Have a regular cleaning routine

The key to keeping your garden tidy is to have a regular cleaning routine. Some people have a weekly routine, while others have a daily routine. If you have a weekly routine, you’ll need to change that to a biweekly routine to ensure you don’t fall behind. Routine is the key to success, and having a schedule will ensure that you don’t get overwhelming with keeping your garden tidy.
2. Water before you mow

One of the easiest ways to keep your yard tidy is to water the garden before you mow. If you’re done mowing and there are not any patches of dry soil, your mower will go through the lawn and leave ruts. If you water the lawn, it will fill the ruts, smoothing the surface and creating a neat lawn.
3. Use a trimmer for edging and shaping

Another great way to keep your yard tidy is to use a string trimmer to trim the edges of your flowerbeds and lawn. This will allow you to shape your grass without damaging it with a lawn mower. You can also use the string trimmer to trim the edges of sidewalks and patios, which will remove debris and leaves, keeping them tidy and free of debris.
4. Vacuum daily

One of the easiest ways to keep your yard tidy is to vacuum daily. If your grass is at its longest, you’ll want to vacuum it once or twice a week to keep the lawn neat. Long, unruly grass will make your yard look messy and unkempt. Vacuuming daily keeps the grass looking neat and tidy, and it also helps clean the grass from debris and leaves.
5. Pick up after your pet

Another great way to keep your yard tidy is to teach your children to pick up after their pets. You don’t have to be the authoritarian parent who forces their children to help out, but a simple “I need you to pick up after your dog” is enough to get the job done. If you don’t have children in your household, it’s up to you to pick up after your pet.
6. Don’t be afraid to use hand tools

You don’t have to shy away from using hand tools, but you do need to use them safely. If you’re not comfortable using hand tools, hire a handyman to help you out. Another way to keep your yard tidy is to use hand tools to trim the edges of your lawn and flowerbeds.
7. Learn to use power tools safely

If you’re not comfortable using power tools, hire a handyman to help you out. There are certain tools that are better suited for your needs than others. For example, a chain saw is great for cutting trees, but it’s not safe for trimming branches and bushes.
Conclusion Keeping your yard tidy requires patience, but it can be done with the right tips. Make sure you water the lawn before you mow, vacuum daily and keep debris and leaves picked up. Use hand tools to trim the edges of your yard and teach your children to pick up after their pets. These simple tips can help you keep your yard clean and tidy.