3 Fish You’ll Never Want to Eat Again

3 Fish You’ll Never Want to Eat Again

Eating fish can be a healthy part of any diet, but there are some types of fish that are best avoided. There are a few varieties of fish that can be potentially dangerous to eat due to the high levels of toxins they contain. Eating these types of fish can lead to serious health issues, so it is important to be aware of which fish to avoid.

What Are the Three Fish to Avoid?

These three fish to avoid are all high in mercury, which can lead to a wide range of health issues. To stay safe and healthy, it is best to avoid these types of fish.


Tilefish is a type of fish that is known for having a high mercury content. In addition to having high mercury, it is also high in PCB and dioxin. These are both dangerous toxins that can cause serious health issues. Along with these toxins, tilefish also contains high levels of methyl-mercury, which can jeopardize your health gradually. Consuming high levels of methyl-mercury can lead to serious health issues, such as cognitive and developmental issues.


Consuming swordfish can also lead to dangerous health issues because it has high levels of mercury. This type of fish is also high in methyl-mercury. So you should leave away with this kind of fish. You must know that eating high levels of methyl-mercury can lead to serious health issues and damage your brain.

King Mackerel

King mackerel is another type of fish that is high in mercury and should be avoided. Although it is lower in mercury than the other two, it still has high levels that are dangerous to consume. Besides, King Mackerel are severely over-fished. Continuing to enjoy the admittedly flavorful fish is on track to wipe them out of existence.

How to Find Safe Alternatives

There are many types of fish that are safe to eat that are low in mercury. These are a few examples of types of fish that are low in mercury and safe to eat: Atlantic Salmon, Pacific Salmon, Sardines, Tilapia, Trout, Pollock, and Shrimp. These types of fish are safe to eat and are relatively low in mercury. In addition, they are also rich in essential vitamins and minerals and provide numerous health benefits. These are healthy alternatives that are low in mercury and safe to eat. To stay healthy and avoid these three fish to avoid, select these types of fish instead.


The three fish to avoid are known for having high mercury levels which can lead to serious health issues. To stay healthy and avoid these types of fish, select types of fish that are low in mercury and safe to eat. These types of fish are a few examples of safe alternatives that are low in mercury and safe to eat. While mercury poison is a worry with certain types of fish, the threat of extinction is often a larger concern. Have you changed your mind about eating any of these sea creatures?

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